03: Divine Feminine Business


Join Aryn in conversation with Esi Wildcat, a Somatic Facilitator, Ordained Priestess of Isis, Shakti Initiate and Yogini in the lineage of Shri Vidya, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and MULTI-disciplinary healing artist with over 20 years of experience.

This a conversation centered around discovering your true path and taking a hard left from the corporate world of selling Botox to the realness of repelling people with your aura, yoni steaming, and the responsibility that comes along with being the only "seer" in your friend group. 

This is a special one folks, we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Our gorgeous music, Faith's Hymn by Beautiful Chorus is available on Spotify, add it to your playlist. Enormous gratitude for my visuals creator, editor and partner in crime on this pod, Ari Basile.

TO LISTEN, press > on the player above.

TO READ, the transcript for this episode, CLICK HERE


05: Take Care of Yourself So Your Self Can Take Care of You


02: That One Time We Went To Dharamshala...