02: That One Time We Went To Dharamshala...


How many modalities is too many modalities at once?

How many spiritual advisors does one need?

Join Aryn in conversation with her dear friend, entrepreneur, podcaster, and all around Mother of (Re)Invention, Jess Zaino, as they dive into transcendental meditation, spiritual awakenings, self-discovery, and oh yeah, that one time they caught up with the Dalai Lama. Hilarity ensues.

We hope you enjoy as much as we do!

Also, look out for Jess's podcast, "The Mothers of (Re)Invention" hitting platforms near you soon!

Enormous gratitude for my visuals creator, editor and partner in crime on this pod, Ari Basile. Our gorgeous music, Faith's Hymn by Beautiful Chorus is available on Spotify, add it to your playlist.

TO LISTEN, press > on the player above.

TO READ, the transcript for this episode, click here.


03: Divine Feminine Business


01: Inside the portal