Meet Our Visionary Creator


Photo of our Host & Creator, Aryn Drake-Lee

Born and raised in San Francisco during the golden era of the 1980s-90s, I was exposed to and engaging with alternative, naturopathic and preventative care spaces since birth. Language immersion school from K-12 and international travel starting at such a young age created curiosity and comfort in multicultural environments. Nourishing fluency in both French and Spanish, my ability to seamlessly move between cultures graces me with a special touch into the profound sensibilities of humanity.

While in college and through my twenties in NYC, I learned to hustle, sell real estate and do business with the best of them. My thirties commenced in Los Angeles where I was deeply immersed in the entertainment business and culture prior to being saved/awakened by the birth of my first babe in 2012, at which point the reality became clear that I needed to make dramatic shifts in practices and behaviors I did not bring her into this world to experience. Thus creating a safer space for her, and ultimately myself, kicked into high gear.

Soon after the birth of my second babe, I found myself in the middle of a very hostile and public divorce. Experiencing the loss of friends, community, and our status quo with two nursing babies in arms, I quickly realized that I was going to have to up the ante on all of my soul, mental and physical care practices in order to maintain, sustain and defend myself.

As a result, true to my double Scorpio nature, I dove deep into gaining masters level knowledge on a wide variety of practices and modalities that nourished and fed me through both contraction and expansion phases. True to my rising Gemini’s need to verbally process, I am creating a space to support community for those seeking to alchemize life’s most challenging experiences into reaching their highest potential while living a more sustainable life of wellness in mind, body and spirit.


Artwork by Mafalda Vasconcelos

Rituals dig into the daily practices that we lean on in order to support and re-establish our grounding and desired baselines. 

Remedies being the naturopathic and preventative healing modalities that orient around the maintenance, healing and relief from dis(ease) or dis(order). 

The Alchemy nourished by harnessing and practicing our own inner magic to better orient our internal compass and intuition in order to more successfully alchemize our personal challenges and experiences into deep learning, healing and prospering. 

 Rituals, Remedies & Alchemy does not fit into a single box. It is an ever-expanding exploration that shifts with every experience.

We are non-conforming and we don’t expect our guests to be either.