Hummingbird sanctuary

Rituals, remedies & Alchemy’s hummingbird sanctuary, located in a sacred canyon in ventura county california, is a lighthouse along the seekers’ path offering a pause, an opportunity to disconnect and divest from the energies of overwhelm and over doing. a place of restoration, reconnection, reorganizing and integration: providing support, resources and alchemical tools to enhance your resiliences practices. we reintegration into the ancient wisdom and knowing found within nature and the sacred circle. a landmark of intentional support nurturing the heroines journey. face to face explorations into resilience care, previously discussed in the podcast Rituals, Remedies & Alchemy, created by seeker, wisdom keeper, Entrepreneur, long-time Real Estate Broker and creator of intentionally safe communal spaces, Aryn Drake-Lee. Her motivation is to expand exposure and access to spaces of doing less with the objective of returning to self in order to rebalance our individual as well as collective nervous systems. in order to transmute old wounds and alchemize healing, our systems need safe spaces held by regulated bodies within which to drop in to self, ground, process and digest. our goal is to more sustainably survive and thrive in this demanding and transforming world.

She created this gorgeously safe portal through which seekers converge to rest, restore, heal, learn, grow and discover. A curation of offerings .

hummingbird sanctuary houses motivated Healers & Practitioners who identify across a diverse spectrum of race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexuality, and spirituality - with a client base of artists, creative entrepreneurs, naturopathic and holistic health enthusiasts.

this portal is intentionally located off the common path within 1.5hrs of Los Angeles, ca.

Come land with us. Come restore with us. Come get curious and explore with us. Let us support your healing rituals. Allow us to share our remedies so that you may reinforce your alchemy.