our practitioners



Ashli is an intuitive tarot reader, clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairsentient, and medical intuitive. She incorporates elements of astrology, numerology,

and color therapy in her readings. As an intuitive reader, Ashli channels Divine messages from Spirit to help you gain clarity and healing. Ashli uses tarot as a tool of Divination to receive Guidance that empowers you to shift the trajectory of your life in

service of your Highest Good, Affirm your own intuition when you are Aligned with your Soul’s Mission, and equip you with the tools necessary to move forward in life from a place of Love and Compassion. It is Ashli’s Mission to help others tap into their Divine Gifts and open themselves up to receive and claim the Abundance that is their Divine

Birthright, by way of the tarot and her intuition. Amongst her many intuitive Gifts, Ashli is also an herbalism enthusiast, an attuned Reiki II healer, and a maker of magical intention candles for the ascension-focused, self-empowered manifestor who’s ready to honor their Divinity within by claiming their Divine Birthright to Abundance, Love, and

Healing. Find Ashli on Instagram at @StarMagicTarot or reach out by email at starmagictarot@mail.com

Offerings: Tarot card readings, Reiki healing

Art “Sonny” Hill

Arthur L. "Sonny" Hill is a graduate of Yosan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  He is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist that treats many orthopedic pain and internal conditions, but he specializes in working with emotional trauma and what is deemed diseases of the spirit.  Arthur also utilizes energy work or Qi gong and other energetic herbal modalities in his treatment plans.   

Working and building pathways in the community is important  to him.  Arthur or  Sonny as most know him by, does public speaking events and community acupuncture workshops to address the general needs of the community. He is a very warm and empathic individual that listens intently to story to discover the root of what ails you. He works together with patients to create an unique experience for their personal healing journey and path to wellness and wholeness.

Offerings: Acupuncture, Gua Sha, Herbalist 


Abigail Kochunas

With a deep reverence for Mother Earth and growing up in Buddhist, Christian and Pagan traditions, Abigail recognizes the harmony and oneness of all things. She uses her background to inspire and inform her work. She is trained and attuned in Usui Reiki I and II, energy medicine, core wound healing and has been working with crystal healing for over 20 years. She is an artist and intuitive channel with the Clairsentient, Claircognizant and Clairvoyant abilities that further enhance her reiki sessions, readings and artwork. Additionally, as a trauma survivor herself, Abigail is especially sensitive to the needs of clients with trauma history.

She is also the creator of Find Your Fire workshops for women and the essential Aura Clear spray - a Reiki-infused, crystal charged cleansing/protecting spray used for your auric field, home and work spaces.

As a woman who has lived many lives in many places, Abigail brings the wisdom and empathy of a diverse human experience into her work. An artist and healer have the responsibility to assist society in their awakening, to shine light into the darkness. As such, it is her purpose in this lifetime to awaken, heal, evolve and uplift humanity. She is the hopeful optimist who still believes in the good in this world, and that art has the power to fuel the movement of LOVE…because LOVE is louder. She wishes you love, healing and an ever expanding consciousness.

Offerings: reiki, oracle readings and private guided meditation.


Celine Chantelle

Celine is a trauma-informed, 200 hr certified yoga teacher, reiki and occult practitioner. At a young age she was exposed to yoga in therapy after a life changing event occurred. From then on she continued to lean into her natural gift of intuition and her curiosity of making sense of her surroundings by using tarot cards and astrology. In her early 20’s she entered a corporate career in media & entertainment but found extreme resistance internally working in such a high pace environment everyday that she soon became sick. Eventually, she took it upon herself to take control of her life and pursued her certification of 200 hour yoga teaching in order to heal herself and others. She also took personal training under a Reiki Master from the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakki Lineage in which she received her attunement as a certified Reiki Healer level 1 and 2. She strives to create a safe space for others to heal, connect with a higher purpose and express themselves by making yoga and reiki accessible to all walks of life. She believes that with a balance of movement, breath and sound followed by stillness there lies incredible potential in transmuting energy and gaining clarity within us. She is committed to remaining forever a student of holistic health, magic and the healing arts while sharing her knowledge and skills with others. 

Offering: Private Yoga (All Sessions Personalized with hands on Adjustments - Vinyasa, Kundalini & Restorative) Reiki Healing, Energy Readings, Birth Chart Readings and Tarot/Oracle Card Readings



Ever since they were a child, Kema Grace has had a passion for keeping magic alive through dance, music, and imagination. Through early experiences of great darkness and pain, they were initiated into their healing journey by making the conscious choice to keep living. The road to self-healing spanned over more than a decade (so far) for Kema and brought them into the worlds of meditation, sound healing, fitness, Reiki, breathwork, visualization, journeying, and nutrition. Understanding that these are lifelong practices, they offer healing guidance from the channels through which they heal themselves. They believe that people have gotten distracted from remembering what incredible, creative, powerful beings they are, and aim to hold space for each individual to discover and access their own innate healing abilities.

Kema Grace is a certified Sound Healer, Breathwork Coach, Reiki Practitioner, Death Doula, Nutritarian Coach, and Fitness Instructor (Plyojam dance fitness, HIIT Bootcamp Sculpt, Rockin’ Kickboxin’ sculpt). In 2022 they are continuing to pursue a certification as an ACSM personal trainer.

OfferingS: Sound Healer, Breathwork Coach, LIFE and death doula



Astro-Reiki is a beautiful way to open blocks within our lives using our birth natal chart, to support reiki energy work.

Monique Ruffin is a Priestess and healer who has walked through many dark nights of the soul to arrive at a point of peace and self love. Her work combines Reiki with the 9 phases of the moon and your personal current transits to assist in healing family trauma patterns, reveal the power beneath and within the shadow, while accessing undiscovered spiritual gifts.

Offering: astrological chart readings,, astrological reiki and card readings


Taylour Johnson specializes in reiki therapy and is passionate in aiding her community in healing from within. She graduated from San Jose State University with a bachelors in Sociology. Through her educational journey, she discovered her purpose to inspire and heal and works towards that every chance she gets. She is currently in the process of furthering her licenses in other holistic services such as Acupressure for well being. 

Taylour uses her experience as a therapist and working closely with youth who are trauma survivors to help and encourage others to tap into their higher beings. Taylour started a brand and clothing line in 2019 titled “echogeneric” which emphasizes and combines self discovery with creativity. Many of her designs and logos are art that she made while healing herself through art therapy. With collections titled “can’t afford therapy”, she brings attention and awareness to the lack thereof in her community and encourages her audience to dig within to find their own forms of therapy related specifically to their trauma.

Offerings: Master Reiki Healer and Acupressure

thomas benson

Thomas has studied various eastern and western modalities before graduating the National Holistic Institute of massage 800 core program. After his preliminary studies he continued his education to also finish their Advanced Neuromuscular Program to complete a total of 1250 hours of hands-on training. His love of working with the body began during his study of Fine Art Sculpture as his awareness of shape and contour began to take form. During his undergrad study, as a member of the Men’s Track & Field Team, a deeper understanding of anatomy, form, movement and balance started his journey into bodywork. From that love of sports he continuously trained and educated himself on the dynamics of the human body, spending 6+ years as a personal trainer before adding massage to his practice.

offerings: massage and bodywork