14: The Beauty & Growth through Rupture & Repair

Hello Listeners! Today we are bringing another important conversation to the platform.

Join Aryn and dear friend, Anna Lodder, an integrated schools advocate & parent, mother of two, and fellow seeker as they go deep into the growth that can come through the rupture. Anna says it all, "I want other people to feel and hear themselves in our conversation... We're not experts, we're friends having an experience of deepening our understanding of our place in the Universe."

We hope you love this one as much as we do. Gratitude as always for being on this journey with us! 

Find us on the internet!

Aryn: @aryndrakelee // https://linktr.ee/ArynDrakeLee

Our gorgeous music, "Faith's Hymn" by Beautiful Chorus is available on Spotify, add it to your playlist. Enormous gratitude for my visuals creator, editor and partner in creation on this pod, Ari Basile.

TO LISTEN, press > on the player above.

The transcript for this episode will be available soon.


15: calling in the elders


13: Live YOUR Life: Burn the Fancy Incense